Lulu and the magic pen
One day Lulu was looking at some pens and notebooks at the store. She saw one that said “magic pen and notebook.” So she bought that and took it home. She looked at the instructions that came with the pen. It said that whatever was drawn would become real and jump out of the paper. Lulu tried it out. She got out the notebook, and turned to a blank page. She used the magic pen and drew a hat. But nothing happened. Then she picked up the notebook and turned it upside down, and a hat fell out of the paper and onto the table. Lulu laughed. Now she had a funny hat that looked like the one she drew. She put the hat on her head and smiled. Then she took the magic notebook and the magic pen, and went out for a walk. When she got downstairs and near the building entrance to go outside, Lulu saw that it was raining. She was about to go back upstairs to get an umbrella, when she remembered her magic pen. She got out the notebook and on a blank page she drew an umbrella. Then she ...