Stacking books

One day koala wanted to read a book, and she went to the bookshelf to get a book. The books were packed very tightly on the bookshelf, and the book that koala wanted was stuck. So koala pulled on the book very hard, and all of a sudden the bookshelf fell over, and all the books dropped to the ground. 

Koala looked at the mess and started to tidy it up. Koala picked up a bunch of books and made a pile. Then koala picked up another bunch of books and made a second pile. Then koala picked up some more books and made a third pile. Then koala made a fourth pile of books, and all the books were piled up. 

There was a knock at the front door, and koala realized that her friend kiwi must have arrived. Koala opened the door to let kiwi in. Kiwi brought some books to read as well. When kiwi saw all of koala’s books in four piles on the ground, kiwi asked why the books were there. 

Koala said that the bookshelf had fallen over, and so koala had tidied up the books that fell off the bookshelf, and made the four piles. Kiwi had an idea to build a tall book tower. Koala and kiwi cooperated together to make a new pile of books side by side so that the books were close together. 

For the bottom section of the book tower, they only used large books. They piled the books side by side, up as high as they could reach. Then koala went to get a chair and brought it over to stand on. Kiwi handed koala some medium sized books, one by one. And koala stacked the medium and small sized books on top of the double stack of large books. 

Now the tower of books was higher than both of them standing on the floor. The stack of books looked like a small building, so koala and kiwi decided to name it the book building. Now it was time to fix the bookshelf. Koala and kiwi picked up the bookshelf, and leaned it against the wall. 

They saw that a screw had fallen out from the middle of the shelf. Koala got a screwdriver, and put the screw back into the bookshelf to hold it properly. After the bookshelf was fixed, koala and kiwi put all the books from the book building they made, onto the bookshelf. 

But this time the small sized books went on the top shelf of the bookshelf, and the medium sized books went on the middle shelf of the bookshelf, and the large sized books went on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf. Now the bookshelf was balanced very well, and wouldn’t fall over again. 

Then koala noticed that there were books leftover on the floor, but the bookshelf was full. How did that happen? Kiwi noticed that his pile of books that he brought with him were not on the floor anymore, and they both laughed when they realized that koala had put kiwi’s books on the bookshelf. 

They checked all the books one by one to look for kiwi’s books, and took those out, and then put the remainder of koala’s books back on the bookshelf. Then koala and kiwi sat down to read some of kiwi’s books together. One of the books kiwi brought was actually a coloring book. Koala went and got some coloring pencils, and together they colored in the coloring book, slowly slowly slowly.


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