The fish and the duck

One day Lulu was reading a book about fish. And she started daydreaming about being a fish. She wondered what it would be like to live underwater. Then she thought of something funny. She thought it would be funny if she was a duck, because ducks can fly. They also sit on water in ponds and lakes.

Lulu got out her notebook, and she drew a picture of a duck, and she drew a picture of a fish. And they were friends. Then Lulu made up a story about the duck and the fish going on an adventure. In her story, the duck was flying around and landed on a pond.

Then while it was swimming around on the top of the pond, a fish from underwater came up to the duck and said hello. The duck politely said hi. Then the fish asked the duck what it was like to fly around in the sky. The duck said that it’s very nice, and that if the fish wanted to go for a quick ride, the duck could take the fish to a nearby river. The fish said okay.

Then the fish hopped on top of the duck’s back, and the duck started to fly up in the air. The fish couldn’t breathe out of water for more than a few minutes, so the duck flew quickly to a nearby river, and landed on top of the water. The fish hopped off the duck’s back and jumped into the water.

The duck said that it’ll fly above the fish as it swims down the river, and when the fish is finished swimming in the river, to jump out of the water as a signal, and the duck would fly down to pick it up. The fish said okay. Now the fish started to swim down the river, which was moving fast, and there were lots of rocks underwater.

It was tricky for the fish to make all the turns, but it kept going. Meanwhile, the duck was flying overhead, up in the sky, keeping an eye on the fish swimming down the river. After many minutes, the fish had seen enough of the river, and was ready to go back, and wanted the duck to pick it up.

The fish jumped out of the water once as a signal to the duck. Then from up high while flying in the sky, the duck saw the fish jumping out of the water in the river. And the duck flew down to the water and told the fish to jump onto its back. The fish hopped onto the duck’s back, and said thank you.

The duck asked if the fish wanted to go explore somewhere else, but the fish said not today. So the duck started flying back to the pond where the fish came from. When they arrived at the pond, there were lots of other ducks sitting on the water at the pond.

The duck flew down to the water, and the fish hopped off and jumped into the water. Then the fish asked if they could go for another flying ride the next day. And the duck said okay. But the fish wondered how it would recognize the duck if there were other ducks on the pond the next day.

Then the fish had an idea and asked the duck to wait. The fish swam around and got some plants from the pond, and made a plant necklace for the duck to wear around its neck. The fish gave that to the duck, so that it could recognize the same duck the next day. Then the duck said thank you and flew off. And the fish swam back down into the pond.

When Lulu had finished drawing the story of the fish and the duck, she closed her notebook. Now it was time for dinner. After eating dinner she got ready for bed, and brushed her teeth. Then she went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.


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