Riding the bus

One day Lulu wanted to go to the library. She got ready and went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. When the bus arrived, Lulu got on the bus, which was almost full, and there was one empty seat left, and Lulu sat down.

Then as the bus was driving down the road, there was a loud popping sound. There was a big bump, and the bus slowed down and stopped driving. Everybody on the bus was wondering what was going on. The bus driver got out and walked around the bus outside.

The people in the bus looked out the windows to see what was going on. Then they saw the bus driver at the right hand side near the front of the bus, and one of the tires was flat. The bus driver said that he had to wait for a tow truck to arrive. But the bus driver said there was also another bus coming behind them in a few minutes. And the people could ride that bus instead.

When the second bus arrived, the people from the first bus got onto it. But Lulu could see that the second bus was becoming full, and there were no more empty seats on it. Lulu asked the first bus driver if she could just wait on the first bus for the tow truck to arrive. The bus driver said that was fine.

Then after a while the tow truck arrived. The tow truck driver attached the front of the bus to the back of the tow truck, and lifted the bus with a hook on the tow truck. Lulu asked the bus driver where the tow truck driver was going to bring the bus.

The bus driver said that the bus would be taken to a repair shop to fix the tire. Lulu asked if they could pass by the library so that she could get off there. The bus driver asked the tow truck driver to make a stop at the library for Lulu to get off there. The tow truck driver said that would be fine.

And Lulu sat in the bus, which was empty besides the bus driver. And the tow truck pulled the bus all the way to the library. When they got there, Lulu got off and waved goodbye as the tow truck pulled the bus away. The librarian inside the library could see outside through a window, and saw Lulu get off the bus.

When Lulu went inside the library, the librarian asked her why she was on a bus that was being pulled by a tow truck. Lulu explained that the bus had a flat tire, but that she didn’t want to ride the second bus because it had no empty seats. The librarian thought it was very funny that Lulu rode a bus pulled by a tow truck. Lulu walked around the library to choose some books to read. Then Lulu sat down and read a book, slowly slowly slowly.


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