Lulu and the Pond

One day Lulu was walking through the park. She walked to the other side of the park where there was a pond. When she got to the pond she saw that some people were fishing there. She watched as they held their fishing rods and were trying to catch some fish. Lulu wanted to see if she could also catch any fish.

She went to the store and got a fishing rod. Then she went back to the pond. She tried for a while but didn’t catch anything. There was a bridge for walking that crossed over the pond. Lulu walked to the middle of that bridge and tried fishing from there. She put his fishing line in the water and waited. As she pulled her fishing rod she felt that it was a little heavier.

She started to pull the fishing hook out of the water. When she brought it all the way up to her, she saw that it had caught a wet shoe. Somebody had dropped a shoe there. Lulu put her fishing line back in the water and waited some more. She tried pulling her fishing pole again. And she felt that it had caught something.

Then she started to pull the fishing hook out of the water. When she pulled the hook all the way up to her, she saw that it had caught a book. Somebody had dropped a book there, and now it was all wet. Lulu was wondering how many different things people standing on the small bridge had dropped in the pond. Lulu put her fishing line back in the water and waited some more. Then she tried pulling her fishing rod up. And she felt that there was something on the hook again.

She started to pull the hook out of the water. And when she pulled the hook all the way up on the bridge, she saw that it had caught a stuffed teddy bear. Somebody had dropped a teddy bear into the water, but now it was all wet. There seemed to be a lot of things that fell into the pond.

Lulu tried one more time and put her fishing line in the water again and waited some more. Then she felt that the fishing line had caught something. She started to pull the hook all the way up to her. Then she saw that it had caught a hat that was all wet. And this was Lulu’s own hat that she had lost a few days ago when it blew off her head in some strong wind. Now Lulu decided that she was done trying to catch any fish today.

She picked up the things and walked off the small bridge. She walked by the people who were fishing at the edge of the pond. They asked her if she caught any fish. She told them that she only caught a wet shoe, a wet book, a wet teddy bear, and her wet hat. Somebody told her that people sometimes accidentally drop things from the middle of the bridge, while they’re taking photos.

Then Lulu threw the other things she caught with her fishing rod into the garbage. Then Lulu went home. When Lulu arrived at home, she hung her hat up to dry before putting it in the laundry. Then she helped her parents make dinner. Then they sat down and ate together. After dinner Lulu drew a picture of the things she caught with her fishing pole today. And she put that drawing on the refrigerator. Then she got ready for bed and brushed her teeth. And she laid down, closed her eyes, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.


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