The lost dog
One day Lulu was outside going for a walk. While she was walking, she saw her friend Sally, who was crying. Lulu asked Sally why she was crying. And Sally said it was because she lost her dog. Sally said she had been walking her dog, when there were some pigeons that flew by very low in front of them.
And Sally said her dog suddenly jumped forward to chase the pigeons. Her dog pulled the leash very hard, which got yanked out of Sally’s hand. Then her dog ran off very far. Lulu said she would help Sally look for the dog. This made Sally feel better. And then Lulu and Sally walked together around the neighborhood looking for the dog.
They called out its name, “Rover, Rover.” But they couldn’t find the dog. They knew they needed a better way, and Lulu had an idea. She thought they should make some posters. Lulu invited Sally to come back home with her to make some posters about the missing dog.
And they could hang around the neighborhood to let people know about the lost dog. Sally agreed and went back with Lulu. At Lulu’s home they got out some cardboard paper. Lulu asked Sally to describe the dog. Sally said it is a small dog, with brown hair. And it has a collar with its name on it. It has big ears that flop down on its head. It has short legs, and a short tail. but a long body.
Lulu drew all that on some papers to make posters. Then Lulu wrote “lost dog” on the top, and also wrote down the phone number of Sally’s daddy for anybody to call if they found the dog. Lulu and Sally walked around the neighborhood and taped the posters to light poles on the streets.
Then they kept walking around and looking for the dog. They looked under parked cars. They looked behind some bushes and trees .They looked in the park. And they looked behind buildings. But they did not find the dog anywhere. Then they went back to Sally’s home to see if anybody had called.
Sally’s daddy said that while the girls were looking for the dog, somebody had called. The person had said they found the dog, and had seen the poster with the phone number. Sally and Lulu were amazed and happy. Sally’s daddy said that the person who found the dog told him that they were at the grocery store with the dog. And that they would wait there for Sally and Lulu.
Sally and Lulu quickly ran to the grocery store to get the dog. When they arrived at the grocery store, somebody was waiting outside holding Rover by the leash. Rover looked very tired, because it had been chasing pigeons all afternoon. Sally was very glad that the person who found her dog saw one of the posters they made and put around the neighborhood.
And it was great that the person called the phone number on it. Sally thanked the person, and took her dog back. Sally was also very grateful to Lulu for thinking of making posters to put around the neighborhood. That’s what let the person who found the dog know how to return it.
Lulu was happy that she could help. Now Sally and Lulu walked around the neighborhood with the dog, and took down the posters. Then Sally was ready to go home and give her dog a bath. She said goodby to Lulu and left. Lulu kept one poster that she made and threw the other ones away.
When Lulu arrived at home, she cut out the drawing of Sally’s dog, and put that on the refrigerator, because she liked it. Then Lulu got ready for dinner. During dinner she told her parents about how she and Sally had made posters to find Sally’s dog.
Lulu’s parents said that Lulu was very smart to think of that. And they were glad Sally got her dog back. After dinner, Lulu read one of her books. When she was finished reading, Lulu got ready for bed and brushed her teeth. Then she laid down, closed her eyes, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.
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