Lulu Makes A Display
One day Lulu and her mommy went to a science museum. There were lots of things to see at the museum. Lulu and her mommy walked around and looked at a display that showed how to make shadows with your hands. Lulu put her hands together in front of a light, and waved her fingers out. It made a shadow on the wall that looked like a bird flapping its wings. At the museum there was also a display of things that felt different from each other. People could put their hands in the display cases to feel what was inside, and try to guess what it was. Then they would open the display case and see if they were correct. Lulu tried, and the first case she could feel something soft. She opened the lid and saw a feather. In the second case she could feel something sharp. She opened the lid and saw a rock. In the third case she felt something sticky. She opened the lid and saw some honey. In the fourth case she felt something smooth. She opened the lid and saw a small glass ball. In the fift...