Zebra Gets a New Bed
One day Zebra woke up and was getting ready for the day. Zebra went and got some socks and sat on her bed to put on the socks. But when Zebra sat down on the bed, the bed broke, and it fell to the floor. Zebra was surprised. How did that happen? Zebra looked under the bed and saw that the wood frame was in little pieces. Now Zebra needed a new bed.
She finished getting ready and went outside. She was going to the furniture store. When she arrived at the furniture store, she went inside and walked around, looking at the different beds. She saw a bed that had drawings of bicycles on it. She saw another bed that had drawings of books on it.
And she saw a different bed that had drawings of birds on it. While Zebra was in the furniture store, she saw her friend Tiger. He was looking for a new table, because his table was broken. He saw a table that had drawings of trees on it. Zebra decided she wanted the bed that had drawings of books on it.
Then Zebra bought the bed. And Tiger was right behind her at the cashier, and he bought the table. But Zebra didn’t have a way to bring the bed home by herself. And she asked the furniture store worker if the bed could be delivered. The furniture store worker said yes, and told Zebra it would be delivered later that day.
Tiger also didn’t have a way to bring his new table home. And he asked the furniture store worker if his table could be delivered. And the furniture store worker said yes, and told tiger it would be delivered later that day. Then zebra and tiger left the store. The decided to go have lunch together somewhere.
They walked by a pizza shop, and Tiger suggested that they have some pizza. But Zebra didn’t want any pizza today. Then they walked by a soup shop, and Zebra suggested that they have some soup. But Tiger didn’t want any soup today. Next they walked by a sandwich shop, and both Tiger and Zebra agreed that they would get sandwiches
When they went inside, the sandwich shop worker said they were all out of bread, but that they could order some super salads. Tiger and Zebra thought that was a great idea. They each ordered a super salad, and in it there was some spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, peas, carrots, and also some raisins and walnuts.
They decided to take the super salads back to Tiger’s home and eat it on the new table. When they arrived at Tiger’s home, there was a big delivery box outside. They brought it inside and opened it. But when they opened it they didn’t see a table. Instead they saw a bed with drawings of books on it. It was the bed that Zebra had bought.
And they couldn’t eat on the bed. They were confused and wondered where the table was. Then Zebra thought that maybe the bed was delivered to Tiger’s home by mistake. And perhaps the table was delivered to Zebra’s home by mistake also. They went to Zebra’s home, and outside it they saw a delivery box.
They took it inside and opened it. And when they opened it they saw that it was a table, with drawings of bicycles on it. The same one that Tiger had bought. Now Tiger and Zebra called the furniture store and told them that there was a mistake in the deliveries.
The furniture store apologized and said that they would send the delivery truck to fix the mistake. After a while the delivery driver came back and put the table in the truck. Tiger and Zebra went with the delivery driver to Tiger’s home. Then they put the new table inside Tiger’s home. And the delivery driver put the bed in the truck.
Zebra said goodbye to Tiger and went with the delivery driver back home and put the new bed inside. Finally Zebra could eat the super salad. After eating, Zebra was ready to sleep. Zebra was glad she didn’t have to sleep on a table. And Tiger was glad he didn’t have to eat on a bed. Then Zebra brushed her teeth, and laid down, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.
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