The changing colors

One day Lulu was going for a walk. When she got to the park, she saw a small dog running around a man. The man had a red ball. He was throwing the ball, and the dog was chasing the ball. Then the dog would grab the ball in its mouth and bring it back to the man.

Lulu watched them doing this for a few minutes. Then the man threw the ball very far. And Lulu saw the red ball roll under some bushes and they couldn’t see it. The dog ran under the bushes to chase it, and they couldn’t see the dog. And then the dog came back holding a purple ball in its mouth. How did that happen?

The man was confused. Then he threw the purple ball towards the bushes, and the purple ball rolled under the bushes and they couldn’t see it. Again the dog ran under the bushes to chase the purple ball. And they couldn’t see the dog through the bushes for a minute.

Then the dog came out of the bushes, and was holding the red ball in its mouth. Lulu wondered how that happened again. And the man was also confused. Why was the ball changing colors when it rolled under the bushes where they couldn’t see it? Then Lulu decided to go find out.

She walked all the way over to the bushes, and went to the other side. When she got there she saw a big dog running around a woman. And the woman was throwing a purple ball for her big dog to chase and bring back to her. Now it all made sense. When she was standing near the woman, she saw that the big dog would also run under the bushes to chase the purple ball. But then it came out with a red ball in its mouth.

When the red ball and purple ball rolled under the bushes, the two dogs ran under from opposite sides. And sometimes the dogs brought back the other ball. Lulu told the woman that there was another dog chasing a red ball on the other side of the bushes.

The woman laughed because she had been wondering why the purple ball kept changing colors to become a red ball when it rolled under the bushes. Then Lulu went back and told the man that there was a woman with a big dog that had the purple ball, on the other side of the bushes. He also laughed, because now he knew what was happening with the ball under the bushes.

Then Lulu was ready to go home, and she left the park. When she got home she got ready for dinner with her parents. After dinner she drew a picture of the small dog with the red ball, and the big dog with the purple ball. Then Lulu was tired and ready for bed. She brushed her teeth, laid down, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.


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