Lulu and the butterflies
One day Lulu was playing in the park, when she became tired so went and sat down on a bench to rest. While she was sitting down, she saw some butterflies flying around some flowers nearby. Lulu wanted to catch a butterfly, so she went home and got a small net, then went back to the park.
Lulu slowly walked up to the flowers, and swung her net to try and catch a butterfly, but the butterflies were too quick. Lulu tried moving very carefully towards the butterflies on the flowers, holding the net in her hands. But every time Lulu swung the net, the butterflies flew away. Then Lulu changed her mind, and decided to do something different than trying to catch the butterflies.
She wanted her mommy to take a photo of her with butterflies sitting on her. Lulu walked into the middle of the flowers and stood very still, but nothing happened. Then Lulu picked up a flower and stood very still. She put the flower on her right shoe, and after a while a butterfly came and landed on her right shoe near the flower. Next, Lulu picked another flower and put it on her left shoe.
After a few minutes, another butterfly landed on her left shoe near that flower. Then Lulu picked a flower and stuck it in her hair behind her right ear. After a few minutes a butterfly came and landed on her right ear. Then Lulu picked a flower and stuck it in her hair behind her left ear. After a few minutes a butterfly came and landed on her left ear.
Lulu wanted some more butterflies around her. She picked another flower and put it on her right shoulder, and soon a butterfly flew over and landed on that shoulder. Then Lulu picked another flower and put it on her left shoulder, and after a few minutes another butterfly came and landed on that shoulder.
Then Lulu picked another flower and held it in her right hand. After a few minutes, a butterfly landed on that hand next to the flower. Then Lulu picked another flower and held it in her left hand. After a few minutes, a butterfly landed on her left hand near that flower. Now she had many butterflies all over her. There were butterflies on Lulu’s feet, and on her hands, and on her shoulders, and on her ears.
Then Lulu asked her mommy to take a photo of her standing very still with butterflies all over her. Lulu’s mommy said that she would put one more flower on Lulu’s head, to see if one more butterfly would land on Lulu’s head. Lulu’s mommy picked a small yellow flower, and tucked it in Lulu’s hair on the very top of Lulu’s head, and they waited.
After a few moments, one more butterfly flew over and landed on top of Lulu’s head. Lulu smiled and her mommy took a photo. Then Lulu stepped forward, and all the butterflies flew off of her. The flowers on Lulu’s shoes and shoulders fell off, and Lulu pulled the flowers out of her hair behind her ears, and also the one on top of her head.
Then she looked at the photo on her mommy’s phone, and it was very nice. Lulu thought she looked like a butterfly statue with butterflies all around her. That night, when Lulu was back at home, she took out a piece of paper and some coloring pencils. Lulu drew a picture of herself standing with butterflies all around her. And she put that drawing on the refrigerator. Then she got ready for bed and brushed her teeth. Finally, she laid down and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.
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