Lulu Makes a Dog Wash

One day Lulu was getting ready to go outside to the park. She put on her shoes and went out the door. On her way walking to the park she saw a lot of people walking their dogs. Then when she reached the park, Lulu saw that there were many people with their dogs around the park. In the big field next to the park, there was a dog festival. Lots of different tables were set up, and there were displays of different dog food. And the dog owners let their dogs try the different dog foods.

But the field had a large mud patch in the grass on the ground. And as the dogs ran around, they got muddy. Lulu had an idea to make a dog wash. Lulu went home to get some supplies. She got a small table, and a bucket, and a hose, a brush, and some soap, and some towels. She put it in a little wagon with wheels and a handle. And she brought the supplies to the dog festival.

Lulu also made a sign that said “dog wash for a dollar.” She set up the table, and the bucket, and connected the hose to a water faucet nearby. Then she filled the bucket with water, and put some soap in it. Now she was ready. Five people came over with their dogs to use Lulu’s dog wash. Lulu gathered all those five dogs together, and they sat down.

Then she took off their collars and leashes, and used a brush and soapy water to wash mud off all the dogs. Then she sprayed the five dogs with water from the hose. And lastly she used a towel to dry them. And then Lulu put the dogs’ collars and leashes back on them. But what Lulu didn’t know is that she had accidentally mixed up the wrong collars on the wrong dogs.

Then the dog owners came back and paid Lulu and thanked her, and took their dogs back. As the dog owners were walking around the festival, people wanted to know the dogs’ names. And when people looked at the dog collars, it said the wrong name because it was a different dog’s collar. One of the dog owners went back to Lulu and told her that the dog’s collar was mixed up.

Then Lulu realized what happened. And she needed to go and find the other four dogs. Lulu walked around, checking to see which dogs looked and smelled the cleanest. She found the four other dogs and their owners, and gathered them all together. Then she told them what happened and they all realized that the dog collars got mixed up.

And the five dog owners were able to exchange the correct dog collars with each other. Now each dog had the collar with its own name on it. Lulu was glad the mix-up was fixed. Then she decided to take down her dog wash station. She packed up the table, the bucket, the brush, the soap, and the hose. She put it all in her wagon and went back home.

When Lulu arrived at home, she put the supplies away, and cleaned herself up for dinner. And she put the five dollars she made, into her savings jar. After eating dinner she drew a picture of the dog washing station near the park. And she put that drawing on the refrigerator. Then she got ready for bed and brushed her teeth. And Lulu laid down and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.


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