Lulu Reads to Others

One afternoon Lulu went to the playground to play. She also brought her backpack, with some books in it. She was going to sit and read on the bench after playing. When she reached the playground she saw that nobody was playing on it. There were other kids there, who were standing around it.

Then she got closer and she saw why. There was a sign that said “wet paint.” Workers had painted the playground, and it was still wet. That’s why nobody could play on it. Otherwise they would get paint all over themselves. Lulu had an idea, since there were other kids standing around. She told them that she could read them all a story.

They liked that suggestion. She took out her book, and read them a story. It was about two elephants playing a game called tug-of-war. In the story the two elephants were pulling a rope opposite from each other, to see who would win. And the winner could choose what to do next. Then Lulu had an idea. All the kids at the playground could play tug-of-war together.

That’s when a rope is pulled by two groups in opposite directions. She told them to separate into two groups. There were ten kids altogether. Five of them stood together on one side. And another five stood on the opposite side. Lulu needed some rope. She went and got a big long rope. She gave one end of the rope to five of the kids to hold.

Then she gave the other end of the rope to the other five kids to hold. Both groups of kids were facing each other, and the middle of the rope was between them. Then they were all ready. Lulu tied a ribbon at the middle of the rope. And Lulu put her backpack on the ground under the middle of the rope.

Now the two groups of kids were ready to pull the rope in opposite directions. And whichever was the stronger group would pull the middle of the rope across the backpack. Lulu said the countdown out loud. “3,2,1, go.” Both groups of kids started pulling. The kids on Lulu’s left side were pulling to her left. And the kids on Lulu’s right side were pulling to her right.

Then finally the kids on the left pulled the middle of the rope over the backpack, and both groups fell down. They all laughed together. Then they wanted to play on the playground again. But the paint was still wet. And everybody decided to go home. Lulu also went home and got ready for dinner.

Lulu helped set the table for dinner. After eating dinner with her parents, Lulu helped clean up the dishes. Then she drew a picture of the other kids playing tug-of-war at the playground. She put that drawing on the refrigerator. Then she got ready for bed, and brushed her teeth. Finally, she laid down, closed her eyes, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.


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