Lulu Dreams of a Spaceship
One night Lulu was asleep and she started dreaming. In her dream she was standing in line to get on a spaceship. This was a spaceship that would take passengers to the moon. She was waiting a long time, because the line was very long. Then when it was her turn, she got on the spaceship and sat in a seat. The spaceship had lots of passengers, and they were all going to the moon for the first time.
In her dream, Lulu was very excited. She had never been on the moon before. She had only seen the moon at night when looking up at the sky. And it looked very far and small. But it was big enough for a spaceship to fly there and land on it. Then when the spaceship was full, it was time to go. Everybody had to put on their seat belts. And before they sat down, they had to put on a spacesuit.
The spacesuit would help them breathe on the moon, because there was no air on the moon. In Lulu’s dream, her friend Sally was also on the spaceship to go to the moon. Both of them sat in their spacesuits inside the spaceship. They put on their helmets, and then strapped in their seatbelts. When it was time for the spaceship to leave the ground, there was a countdown. 5,4,3,2,1, blastoff.
Then the spaceship started flying straight up into the sky, getting higher and higher. In her dream, Lulu and Sally were sitting next to a window. They looked through it and could see the ground below the spaceship getting further and further away. They also saw everything on the ground look smaller and smaller, as they went up into the sky higher and higher.
Finally they were in space between the earth and the moon, and it was dark all around the spaceship. Then the spaceship landed on the moon. All the passengers got out of the spaceship. Lulu and Sally got out as well, and they were walking around on the moon. The moon was smaller than the earth.
Things on earth were also heavier than on the moon. Because of that Lulu and Sally were able to jump higher on the moon. They were able to run and jump over each other, bouncing around in their spacesuits. Then the spaceship announced that it was time to go back. So everybody got inside the spaceship, and put on their seatbelts.
Then the spaceship left the moon and flew back to earth. Suddenly Lulu woke up from her dream, and realized that she had been sleeping. She got up out of bed, drank a glass of water, and saw the moon outside her window. Then she got back in bed, closed her eyes, and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.
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