Why I'm writing now.

Hello world, I am embarking on a project in which I am writing children's stories. The main inspiration for me is my three year old niece, who lives far away, and who I would like to connect with more. Also, I enjoy writing, and my sister has asked me to write her short stories which she can read to her young daughter every day. So with that in mind, every day I have been writing and emailing short children's stories to my sister for my niece to enjoy. My sister tells me that nowadays during quarantine times, my short stories are about the only thing that holds my niece's attention. So I thought I would begin posting them online for the world to see, and to get some constructive criticism and feedback. That way I can improve my story writing, and perhaps in a year's time have enough material that is good enough to turn into a book. Come along and join me in this journey.

Some of the stories are on ideas my niece has requested. Others are just from my own imagination and other influential inspiration. Just trying to see what's engaging and fun for young ages. 


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