Lulu and hard boiled eggs

One day Lulu woke up and she was getting ready for the morning with her mommy and daddy. She was happy and excited for the day. She was going to eat some eggs for breakfast, and that was exciting for her. And the type of eggs she was going to eat was hard-boiled. But she was too young to boil the eggs herself, so she needed her parents to boil it for her.
But before the eggs were going to be boiled Lulu wanted to draw on them with coloring markers. So she got the first egg, and she drew some circles on it with a red coloring marker. She drew large circles, she drew little circles, and she even drew small circles inside big circles. So that became the red circle egg.
Next, she picked up another egg, and drew some squares on the egg with a blue coloring marker. She drew some large squares, she drew some little squares, and she even drew some small squares inside big squares. So that became the blue square egg.
Finally she got a third egg and a green coloring marker. This time she drew triangles on the last egg. She drew some large triangles, she drew some little triangles, and she even drew some small triangles inside big triangles. That one became the green triangle egg.
So then after the coloring markers ink dried on the eggs, her parents put some water into a pot, and put that pot on the stove, then turned the stove on, and put the three eggs into the pot of water, and turned the stove on.
Lulu asked how long it would take for the water to boil. And her parents said that it would take around seven minutes. Lulu asked how long seven minutes was. So her parents set a timer and said that when the bell rings then that means seven minutes is finished.
Lulu watched the timer patiently, and also saw that the water started boiling. Then when the timer finished and rang, her parents turned the stove off, but the eggs were not yet ready, they needed to cool down first. Then with a spoon, her parents carefully scooped out the hard boiled eggs from the pot of hot water and put them in a bowl.
The three eggs looked so nice, with red circles, blue squares, and green triangles drawn on them. When the eggs cooled down, her parents cracked open the eggs, and Lulu ate yummy hard boiled eggs, slowly slowly slowly.
(my young niece asked for a story about hard boiled eggs)


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